Lifestyle: Your Style Mini-Workshop is Back on the Bloom Forum!

I'm slowly easing into work again.  I'm not yet ready to leave my tiny baby girl behind and begin shooting just yet... but I am offering my third installment of Lifestyle: Your Style, a Mini-Workshop for Photographers, over on The Bloom Forum from Monday October 3 to Friday October 14.  You must be a member of The Bloom Forum to participate, and you must live/shoot at least 120 miles away from Tampa Bay in order to be eligible to take the course.  This will be the last mini-workshop I offer in 2011, so jump in now if you're interested! Thirty (30) Active Memberships and ten (10) Silent Memberships will be offered this time around.  Active Members will receive a beautiful ebook filled with the course material, my philosophy on the lifestyle approach, an explanation of my own shooting methods and session techniques, two assignments to complete at your own pace during the course, a client questionnaire sample to help you prequalify your clients, and a couple of other goodies to help you integrate this lifestyle approach into your own work.  Active members can fully participate in the course, submit images for critique and feedback within our private area of the forum, and receive feedback (from myself and the other students) on the assignments submitted.  Each Active Membership is just $200.

Silent Members pay $150, and receive all of the above EXCEPT feedback and critique on images and assignments.  Silent memberships are read-only, no active participation is allowed at this level.  You're still welcome to read and follow along with the class in the forum area, however.

Lifestyle: Your Style is held online and is truly a work-at-your-own-pace opportunity.  You need not be online or logged into the forum every night; nor do I ask you to submit any of your assignments by a certain deadline.  You're free to do the course work at your own leisure during the two weeks we have together.

Seats always fill quickly, so don't wait!  Take the Lifestyle: Your Style Mini-Workshop if you want to discover new techniques to use during your Holiday Family Sessions this Fall.  (We all know you're tired of those forced-smile posed images on the Holiday cards, right?)  We're going to have a blast together.

SO HEAD ON OVER TO THE BLOOM FORUM!  You'll love it... the women there are beyond helpful and so inspiring!  Once you're a member of Bloom, you can register for the mini-workshop right there within the forum.  If you have any questions about the forum itself or about the mini-workshop, let me know.  See you there!

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