You deserve a break. You deserve a little recognition too, for all you've accomplished.
Whether you work from home, at home, or away from home, I know that you are busy 24/7, and that you have a BIG JOB no matter what.
Just think about the roles you play on a daily basis...
- You're a mama. And maybe a wife, a fiancee, a sister and a daughter. And maybe you play the role of Daddy most days too, which means that you totally win my award for Parent of the Year. Hats off to you, my sweet friend.
- You're dependable, and you're always the friend with diaper wipes on hand or a safety pin in an emergency or the number for a fantastic hairstylist / dermatologist / family photographer (ahem) and your friends just adore you for it.
- You're a full-time nurse, and the most fantastic splinter-surgeon with the coolest band-aids ever.
- You're a nutrition expert. You are a sous chef for picky eaters and kids with three different food allergies and a gluten sensitivity. You're also a server. (And the entire clean-up staff, most times, if we're being honest.)
- You're a taxi driver to ballet classes, a baseball coach, a cheerleader for your son's soccer team and an expert time manager to just keep up with it all.
- You're a housekeeper, a lunch-packer, and a laundry specialist. (My most favorite made-up title to date, ha!)
- You're an infant-sleep-expert by now, and a toddler-tantrum-diffuser as well.
- You're a psychologist. (Even mamas of the youngest babies have to know a little "sly-chology" from time to time.)
- You're still in school, and will be for as long as your kids need help with homework and science fair projects and book reports and learning how to write cursive.
- You're a stylist for your family's wardrobe, your little girl's hair (and your own), and a master at finding tiny lost shoes under beds at the last minute.
- And let's be honest. (I already know anyway.) You're a photographer too. :) You've got thousands of photos on your iPhone, your point and shoot, or your dSLR. Your Facebook timeline is peppered with photos of your children, and who could blame you? They ARE adorable, we all agree.
However. YOU are rarely in the photos. And if you are, it's just a quick snapshot taken by Dad or a passerby at the beach. (Sorry, Dad, we know you mean well.)
But guess what? That's not enough.
You deserve more.
You deserve a professional photo shoot with you and your little ones snuggling and singing and holding hands and swinging and laughing and hugging and tickling each other and giving Eskimo kisses.
That would make the perfect Mother's Day gift, wouldn't it? Either from someone else, or even as a gift you give to yourself (and indirectly, to your children as well).
And my whole reason -- my very heart's desire -- for this special event is that it might just give you a little encouragement to pull that mini-album out of your purse during soccer practice or week's they're away at camp. It might make you stop and be grateful for these fleeting moments when you look at that sweet framed photograph on the wall, after dropping them off at preschool (or middle school) on the first day. It may make your celebrations sweeter to be able to flip through photo albums with your children each year, as you reflect on how much they've grown, and they see through your photographs just how much they were loved, even way back then.
Photographs of my children are my most treasured material possession. They are what we will grab in an emergency, only after each other. They cannot be replaced or duplicated or substituted.
And you deserve them on this special day... the day that reserved just for hardworking, well-intentioned, sacrificing Mamas like you. No matter if your children are still babies or if they are teenagers already.
It would be my honor to give you such a gift.
Session availability is extremely limited, and mini-sessions begin tomorrow.
Friday morning, April 11th
Friday evening, April 11th
Saturday evening, April 12th
Several sessions have already been booked, but there are a few openings left.
They are waiting for you.
Reserve your Mother's Day Mini-Session now by calling 727-698-0344 or by replying to this email. Your Session Fee will be required to book; all major credit cards are accepted.