Maybe Tomorrow

The dishwasher is humming as I type. The yardwork is done for now, the house is being cleaned and disinfected due to little and big ones being sick at home this week. Charlotte is in daycare for the first day all week, the older two kids are at school, and the day ahead looks so productive for me! I have my coffee in hand, Pandora on, and my to-do list ready. 


Charlotte my sick little one

I kid you not... I typed those words above and then my phone rang. "Charlotte is sick again." So off I went to get her, and now she's snuggled on the couch with an ice pop and her blankie and Baby Ariel.  

And I am snuggled beside her too, because now I'm not feeling well. Doesn't that just figure? It comes with the territory I suppose.  And here I was so relieved that I'd fought it off the whole week.

Maybe tomorrow will be better. Maybe tomorrow will be productive. Maybe tomorrow I'll get caught up. Maybe tomorrow she won't ask to take her nap "in yuh ahms, Mama," instead of in her little bed, and I'll miss it terribly.