Chris hasn't taken a day off in over three weeks, and I'm practically glued to my desk these days. Add in soccer practices, weekend games, homework and school projects, Christmas shopping and wrapping and decorating that has to be done at some point. This combination equals one VERY messy house! We've got more clothes in dirty hampers than in our closets, and if it weren't for takeout and delivery, we wouldn't have had dinner at our own table in two weeks. All day long, I grumble over fresh messes that are being made in the house. Charlotte pulls paper out of the printer and un-decorates our Christmas tree at every opportunity. Lila leaves her crayons and artwork scattered all over the living room. I find Parker's dirty socks and shoes all over the house, and even the backyard. They get things out and don't bother to put them back... they argue and cry over paper cuts and smashed fingertips... they tattle on each other and refuse to share.
I'll bet your children often act the same as mine, right?
My children, and yours, are at home. They are warm and safe and when it comes to what is really important... they are happy. They are in our arms, and in our messy homes, and they are healthy. They are alive. Parker's blond head bobbed as he stepped off the bus yesterday. Safe and sound. Lila ran to me when I picked her up early from preschool yesterday, and Charlotte's little face lit up as she toddled into my arms.
God bless and comfort those families who would give anything to clean up after their children today. Those parents who desperately want to kiss tiny boo-boos and wipe away tears and ask their children to please speak nicely to one another and pick up after themselves. Parents who would give their own last breath to be able to tuck in their kids one more night. To give one more kiss, one more hug, read one more story, and get "just one more" drink of water. Because of the acts of a cruel and selfish soul, there are many families today who do not have what you or I have. Their children won't be running downstairs in delight on Christmas morning this year, or next year, or the year after that. My heart deeply aches for those mamas and daddies.
So today, I want to say Thank You, God, for these messes, and for the dear children who have made them. Thank You for the beautiful evidence of having children in our homes. Thank You for their paper cuts and their boo-boos and their tears that You allow us to kiss away. May we never, ever take those blessings for granted, not for a single moment. Please hold us up when we do not understand the things that are allowed to happen here on Earth. Please comfort and give peace to the families who are hurting today. When those mommies and daddies experience unimaginable grief, longing and heartache for their babies, please allow them to know that their sweet children are spending Christmas sitting on Your lap in Heaven, surrounded by Your angels, and Your unending Light.
Hug your children today, I beg of you. Because you can. We never know if we will have tomorrow.