Two lovelies.

I had the pleasure of meeting these two beautiful girls a few weeks ago.  They were so much fun!  And sacrificed themselves to a "sticker bush" (because I can't think of the proper name for those awful prickly things), all for the sake of art.  THANK YOU, GIRLS.  :)

These next two shots just blew me away.  I think I audibly gasped when my finger pressed the shutter.

Sometimes you just *know* you're going to love a particular shot.  And oh my my, how I love these two.  Truly I do.


It's not every day that I'm serenaded by a budding pianist at a photo session.  :)


Aren't they gorgeous?!  And sweet as can be.


Loved the lighting here on their balcony...


Loved this shot of the V-ball star.  :)

I can't tell you how much I love this next shot.....  oh, how I am a total sucker for dramatic lighting... add that to the arched lines of the door, those wonderful tiles, and two amazing girls soaking up all that sunset light.....  this is pure bliss for me and my camera!

I have soooooo many more to show (I know their Mom is patiently waiting for her sneak peek!), but I have an appointment in a few minutes... so I'll come back and add more later on this evening.  Stay tuned!!  :)

**ETA:  I added a few more up there.  Mom, I hope your girls are the envy of the yearbook committee this year!!  ;)