Can you believe that?! Of all things. ;) On Friday afternoon, I was sitting in my car talking to a client on the phone (at least I was safely parked!). When I went to flip the phone shut, it slipped out of my hands and sank to the bottom of my super-de-duper-size cup of iced tea that I had in my console. Submerged would be a good word I think. Soaked. Waterlogged. Ruined. And such a waste of a good cold glass of sweet tea, too!!! Needless to say, I've been having phone issues all weekend, so it's off to the Verizon store I go. I don't think I've *missed* any voicemails; they just buzz in several hours after the calls actually come in. Nice. Hmm, maybe I should get the cell phone insurance plan this time, eh?!
In other breaking news, I'm digging my way out of my Christmas-session proofing cave, and I have several sessions to blog about this week!! My last mini-session date was this morning -- and again this evening -- in downtown Clearwater. Coincidentally, this was the morning that VP-nominee Sarah Palin came to our little town. (I wondered if she'd have liked to jump in on a quick mini-session with the family?! LOL! I sure would've loved to get my camera on her sweet little baby. :) :) :) )