Caroline and Kate...
This family was super sweet, so very good to me for this shoot. And I love their girls' names! (Caroline and Kate were the top two middle names we'd chosen for our own daughter! You might remember, Parker purposefully called his little sister "Ava Caroline" instead of "Lila Kate" for the first two weeks of her life. LOL!)
I just wanted to put them in my pocket and take them home with me. (Much to Parker's dismay, I'm sure... "Ewww, more girly stuff!" LOL!)
Aren't they absolutely beautiful?? I loved Baby Kate's sweet expressions....
And I LOVED this outtake!! Caroline was just too cute. While proofing this session, I giggled every time I would scroll past this shot. So I just HAD to include it in their gallery! (I wonder if Mom and Dad see this same face from time to time?) ;)
And who could resist a sleepy girl with a tiny thumb in her mouth? Oh, be still my heart....
Huge thanks to this family.... I had a blast with y'all, and I hope you enjoy your gallery! :)