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Resurfacing, remodeling + other random updates!

Yes, I'm still here!!  :)  I have finally resurfaced.  The busy Holiday Shooting Season is officially here, so the ol' blog has not gotten much love lately...  poor thing.  But that's about to change: I've got a ton of sessions lined up to "sneak peek" here, so stay tuned for upcoming posts.  SUCH fun I've been having lately!  I swear I have the best job ever (besides being a Mama, of course!) and I'm so blessed to be able to hang out with these fantastic families all the time. I'm also working on an exciting project that I'll be able to share with you soon!  It's been so much fun for me, and I can't wait to show the families involved!  I can't divulge details just yet but I'll be able to let the cat out of the bag here pretty soon.  ;)

And please pardon our dust.  My server is in the process of being upgraded, so if you notice anything funky happening with my website or blog, don't fret.  It'll be normal again soon!  Also, I seem to have been having some email trouble the past two weeks or so.... apparently some emails have gone missing and didn't bother to ask permission first.  So, if YOU have tried to email me, and are still waiting on a reply -- please email me again or just give me a call.  Chances are I've actually responded to your email, but it's gone down the Black Hole of Electronic Communication instead of to your Inbox.  ;)

Okay, enough chatter!!  I'm going back underground now to edit some more sessions.....  be back soon!


(Can you believe my little bean is this big?!  I can't!!)